Speed of DNA Replication

{ Posted on 11:43 AM by rain }
Speed of DNA Replication
The Genome of complex eukaryotes is huge and the process of DNA Replication should be incredibly fast. It is amazing that a Chromosome of 250 million pair of bases can be replicated in several hours. The speed of DNA replication for the humans is about 50 nucleotides per second per replication fork (low speed comparing to the speed of the bacterial DNA Replication).But the human Genome can be copied only in a few hours because because many replication forks take place at the some time (multiple initiation sites)

DNA Double Helix makes

{ Posted on 11:42 AM by rain }
The DNA Double Helix makes a complete turn in over 10 nucleotide pairs, so each turn takes 35.7 ?. About 25 hydrogen bonds are created in this complete turn. The power of these 25 bonds is equal to 1 covalent bond (bond between carbon and oxygen). The diameter of a DNA Double Helix is 20 ?. The length of the helix can be 2 cm (!!) if the helix is fully stretched.

DNA Double Helix

The hydrogen bonds and the bonds between deoxyribose and phosphates are the main (but not only) chemical forces that create a DNA Double helix (pic.2).

DNA Replication

{ Posted on 11:42 AM by rain }
DNA Replication
One major question for the human mind is how life continues. One of the most important mechanisms for all life cells to give offsprings is undoubtedly the DNA Replication. DNA Replication answers to the question: "When a cell divides, where the extra DNA comes from?". What "DNA Replication" is? It is the process that can duplicate the DNA of a cell. The next step is the cell to duplicate!
n the eukaryotes (organisms with cell that have nucleus) the DNA is formed in two strands, each composed of units called Nucleotides. The two strands look like two chains that form the DNA Double Helix. The DNA Replication Process is capable of opening the Double Helix and separating the two strands. Then the two strands are copied. As a result two new DNA molecules are created. The next step is the cell division. After that a daughter cell is created. In its nucleus lies a copy of the parental DNA.

Follow the links in the left menu in order to find more info about the DNA Replication Process.

Geminin: negative control of replication

{ Posted on 11:41 AM by rain }
Geminin: negative control of replication

G2 nuclei also contain at least one protein — called geminin — that prevents assembly of MCM proteins on freshly-synthesized DNA (probably by blocking the actions of Cdt1).

As the cell completes mitosis, geminin is degraded so the DNA of the two daughter cells will be able to respond to licensing factors and be able to replicate their DNA at the next S phase.

The Enzymes

{ Posted on 11:41 AM by rain }
Tags :
The Enzymes

* A portion of the double helix is unwound by a helicase.
* A molecule of a DNA polymerase binds to one strand of the DNA and begins moving along it in the 3' to 5' direction, using it as a template for assembling a leading strand of nucleotides and reforming a double helix. In eukaryotes, this molecule is called DNA polymerase delta (δ).
* Because DNA synthesis can only occur 5' to 3', a molecule of a second type of DNA polymerase (epsilon, ε, in eukaryotes) binds to the other template strand as the double helix opens. This molecule must synthesize discontinuous segments of polynucleotides (called Okazaki fragments). Another enzyme, DNA ligase I then stitches these together into the lagging strand.

DNA replication

{ Posted on 11:40 AM by rain }
The Biochemical Reactions

* DNA replication begins with the "unzipping" of the parent molecule as the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs are broken.
* Once exposed, the sequence of bases on each of the separated strands serves as a template to guide the insertion of a complementary set of bases on the strand being synthesized.
* The new strands are assembled from deoxynucleoside triphosphates.
* Each incoming nucleotide is covalently linked to the "free" 3' carbon atom on the pentose (figure) as
* the second and third phosphates are removed together as a molecule of pyrophosphate (PPi).
* The nucleotides are assembled in the order that complements the order of bases on the strand serving as the template.
* Thus each C on the template guides the insertion of a G on the new strand, each G a C, and so on.
* When the process is complete, two DNA molecules have been formed identical to each other and to the parent molecule.

Gene therapy

{ Posted on 11:39 AM by rain }
Gene therapy
Main article: Gene therapy
Gene therapy using an Adenovirus vector. A new gene is inserted into an adenovirus vector, which is used to introduce the modified DNA into a human cell. If the treatment is successful, the new gene will make a functional protein.

Gene therapy may be used for treating, or even curing, genetic and acquired diseases like cancer and AIDS by using normal genes to supplement or replace defective genes or to bolster a normal function such as immunity. It can be used to target somatic (i.e., body) or gametes (i.e., egg and sperm) cells. In somatic gene therapy, the genome of the recipient is changed, but this change is not passed along to the next generation. In contrast, in germline gene therapy, the egg and sperm cells of the parents are changed for the purpose of passing on the changes to their offspring.

There are basically two ways of implementing a gene therapy treatment:

1. Ex vivo, which means “outside the body” – Cells from the patient’s blood or bone marrow are removed and grown in the laboratory. They are then exposed to a virus carrying the desired gene. The virus enters the cells, and the desired gene becomes part of the DNA of the cells. The cells are allowed to grow in the laboratory before being returned to the patient by injection into a vein.
2. In vivo, which means “inside the body” – No cells are removed from the patient’s body. Instead, vectors are used to deliver the desired gene to cells in the patient’s body.

As of June 2001, more than 500 clinical gene-therapy trials involving about 3,500 patients have been identified worldwide. Around 78% of these are in the United States, with Europe having 18%. These trials focus on various types of cancer, although other multigenic diseases are being studied as well. Recently, two children born with severe combined immunodeficiency disorder (“SCID”) were reported to have been cured after being given genetically engineered cells.

Bio-Technology General - BTGC- Profile

{ Posted on 11:38 AM by rain }
Bio-Technology General Corp. The Group's principal activity is to conduct research, development, manufacture and marketing of biopharmaceutical products. The Group through the internal research, development and agreement has a portfolio of therapeutic products. The products include OXANDRIN (r), BIO-TROPINTM, BIOLON (r), DELATESTRYL (r), MIRCETTE (r) and others. OXANDRIN(R) is used for the treatment of weight loss due to severe trauma, chronic inflection, extensive surgery or unknown pathophysiology. BIO-TROPIN(TM) for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency in children or turner syndrome. BIOLON (R) is used for the protection of the corneal endothelium during ophthalmic surgery. DELATESTRYL (R), for the treatment of hypogonadism and delayed puberty. On 30-Sep-2002, it acquired Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd. During the year 2001, the Group acquired Myelos Corporation. Product sales accounted for 97% of 2002 revenues; Contract fees, 2% and Other revenues, 1%.


{ Posted on 11:10 PM by rain }

Twin helical strands form the DNA backbone. Another double helix may be found by tracing the spaces, or grooves, between the strands. These voids are adjacent to the base pairs and may provide a binding site. As the strands are not directly opposite each other, the grooves are unequally sized. One groove, the major groove, is 22 Å wide and the other, the minor groove, is 12 Å wide.The narrowness of the minor groove means that the edges of the bases are more accessible in the major groove. As a result, proteins like transcription factors that can bind to specific sequences in double-stranded DNA usually make contacts to the sides of the bases exposed in the major groove.This situation varies in unusual conformations of DNA within the cell (see below), but the major and minor grooves are always named to reflect the differences in size that would be seen if the DNA is twisted back into the ordinary B form.

genetic code

{ Posted on 11:06 PM by rain }
genetic code

The genetic code is the set of rules by which a gene is translated into a functional protein. Each gene consists of a specific sequence of nucleotides encoded in a DNA (or sometimes RNA) strand; a correspondence between nucleotides, the basic building blocks of genetic material, and amino acids, the basic building blocks of proteins, must be established for genes to be successfully translated into functional proteins. Sets of three nucleotides, known as codons, each correspond to a specific amino acid or to a signal; three codons are known as "stop codons" and, instead of specifying a new amino acid, alert the translation machinery that the end of the gene has been reached. There are 64 possible codons (four possible nucleotides at each of three positions, hence 43 possible codons) and only 20 standard amino acids; hence the code is redundant and multiple codons can specify the same amino acid. The correspondence between codons and amino acids is nearly universal among all known living organisms.


{ Posted on 8:28 AM by rain }

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Types of Mesothelioma

{ Posted on 8:10 AM by rain }
Mesothelioma cancer affects the serous membranes that surround the major organs in the midsection of the body. Different organs can be affected by mesothelioma because the serous membranes surround the lungs, heart, abdomen and others. The most common type of mesothelioma is that which affects the lung lining, and is called pleural mesothelioma. Other types are pericardial mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the heart, and peritoneal mesothelioma, affecting the lining of the abdomen.

Mesothelioma, contrary to what many people think, is not a type of primary lung cancer. That is, mesothelioma does not originate in the lungs, but as described above, it starts in the serous membranes or lining around the lungs (or other organs). However, mesothelioma can spread to the lungs and when this occurs, it is considered to be a secondary lung cancer. Mesothelioma is also commonly referred to as an asbestos lung cancer. Technically, this is also incorrect, since mesothelioma does not originate in the lungs. Asbestosis is a type of asbestos lung disease that is often confused with mesothelioma.
Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma represents about 75% of all mesotheliomas. The disease can grow quickly and enlarge the pleural space, causing it to fill with fluid. This fluid leads to the discomfort or pain associated with first detection of the disease. It is thought that pleural mesothelioma is caused by the inhaling of fibrous materials, including asbestos. These fibers become lodged in the pleura and, over time, cause damage that can lead to cancer. Learn more about pleural mesothelioma.
Pericardial Mesothelioma

The rarest form of mesothelioma is that which affects the linings of the heart cavity, called the pericardium. Less than 10% of all mesothelioma cases are related to the heart. As in the lung, the rapid growth of the cancerous tumors can cause expansion of the tissue and accumulation of fluid. The fluid can interfere with the functioning of the heart and cause chest pain. Mesothelioma cases are known to be caused by exposure to asbestos; but it is completely unknown how the asbestos fibers enter the tissue layers surrounding the heart. Learn more about pericardial mesothelioma.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma of the abdomen is called peritoneal mesothelioma. The serous membrane surrounding the abdomen is known as the peritoneum. This disease accounts for approximately 10% to 20% of mesothelioma cases. In addition, a rare form of peritoneal mesothelioma affects the male testicles. The covering layer of the scrotum is actually an outpouching of the peritoneum. Peritoneal mesothelioma is due to the ingestion of fibrous materials, including asbestos. Learn more about peritoneal mesothelioma.

What Is Mesothelioma?

{ Posted on 8:08 AM by rain }
Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that is becoming more and more common. Affecting the mesothelial cells that make up the mesothelium – the outer lining that protects the body’s major organs such as the heart, stomach and lungs – this form of cancer is a direct result of regular and unprotected exposure to asbestos. The symptoms and the latency period of this disease mean that it is difficult to diagnose. Treatment for mesothelioma is still being investigated through clinical trials and research, but as a rule it responds poorly to the treatments that are currently used.

The people most at risk from being carriers of this cancer are those have worked with asbestos over the past thirty to fifty years. Because of this, the disease is most common in men between the ages of sixty and seventy as this is the group that commonly worked with asbestos during those years. Because of the lack of protection and regulations in those days, these workers were constantly exposed to the dust and fibres from the asbestos, which caused the cells of the mesothelium to become abnormal. However, because the disease takes decades to develop fully and manifest, many of them were oblivious to this until thirty to fifty years later. It is these men who are now lodging multi-million dollar lawsuits against the unscrupulous companies that exposed them to the dangers of asbestos, even though they were aware that it could cause harm to the employees.

There are also other people at risk from the disease; namely those who have had regular contact with a person who has worked with asbestos. Because these workers regularly carried dust and fibres on their clothes, skin and in their hair, they fibres and dust could be ingested by family members, who were then at risk of developing mesothelioma, respiratory problems or another asbestos related disease.

The organs most affected by mesothelioma are the lungs and the surrounding tissue. Pleural mesothelioma, which is the type affecting the lining of the lungs, is the most common variation of this cancer with symptoms which include breathing and swallowing difficulties, coughing, shortness of breath, fever and weight loss. The abdomen is another area affected by this cancer, and this variation is known as peritoneal mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma is not as common as pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma can include nausea and vomiting, weight loss and loss of appetite, fever, bowel obstruction and pain or swelling of the stomach area. The last variation of the cancer is pericardial mesothelioma, which is where the cancer affects the heart and the tissue surrounding it. This variation is a rare one, and symptoms can include palpitations, breathing difficulties, and persistent coughing.

The symptoms of mesothelioma are very common to a number of other diseases which are more well-known in society. Therefore, it is not unusual for the patient to be misdiagnosed when he or she goes in displaying any or all of these symptoms. People who have worked with asbestos should always let their doctor know this so that the doctor is more aware and more conscious of the possibilities in the event that the symptoms do manifest. A speedy diagnosis is important to the effective treatment of mesothelioma, and without being aware of the facts your doctor may not be able to make the diagnosis as quickly as he would if he is aware of the situation.

Although there are treatments for mesothelioma, they do not have a high success rate particularly on patients in whom the cancer is in its later stages. The faster the mesothelioma is diagnosed and treated, the more chance of success, which is why it is important to get as fast a diagnosis as possible.

Current treatments for mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy, palliative therapy and chemotherapy. The National Institute of Cancer along with a variety of other organizations and sponsors are currently conducting research into mesothelioma and carrying out clinical trials to try and find a treatment that will not only be more effective but will enable the successful treatment of the disease even in its later stages.


{ Posted on 2:46 AM by rain }
PEGs for PEGylation
PEGylation technology is applied for biologics modifications such as cytokines, antibody fragment, interleukins, hormones, oligonucleotides and some of proteins and peptides.

PEGylation can be effected ;

* Improving Bioavailability
* Prolonging Blood Circulation
* Maximizing Pharmacokinetics
* Low-profiling Immunogenicity
* Decreasing Frequency of Dosing

Biotechnology Industry Facts

{ Posted on 11:48 AM by rain }
Biotechnology Industry Facts

Biotechnology industry originated in the 1970s,
based largely on a new recombinant DNA technique
whose details were published in 1973 by Stanley
Cohen of Stanford University and Herbert Boyer of the
University of California, San Francisco. Recombinant
DNA is a method of making proteins—such as human
insulin and other therapies—in cultured cells under
controlled manufacturing conditions. Boyer went on
to co-found Genentech, which today is biotechnology’s
largest company by market capitalization.

Biotechnology has created more than 200 new therapies
and vaccines, including products to treat cancer,
diabetes, HIV/AIDS and autoimmune disorders.
n There are more than 400 biotech drug products and
vaccines currently in clinical trials targeting more
than 200 diseases, including various cancers, Alzheimer’s
disease, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis,
AIDS and arthritis.

Biotechnology is responsible for hundreds of medical
diagnostic tests that keep the blood supply safe
from the AIDS virus and detect other conditions early
enough to be successfully treated. Home pregnancy
tests are also biotechnology diagnostic products.

Consumers are enjoying biotechnology foods such as
papaya, soybeans and corn. Biopesticides and other
agricultural products also are being used to improve
our food supply and to reduce our dependence on
conventional chemical pesticides.

Environmental biotechnology products make it possible
to clean up hazardous waste more efficiently by
harnessing pollution-eating microbes without the use
of caustic chemicals.

Industrial biotechnology applications have led to cleaner
processes that produce less waste and use less energy and
water in such industrial sectors as chemicals, pulp and
paper, textiles, food, energy, and metals and minerals. For
example, most laundry detergents produced in the United
States contain biotechnology-based enzymes.

DNA fingerprinting, a biotech process, has dramatically
improved criminal investigation and forensic
medicine, as well as afforded significant advances in
anthropology and wildlife management.

The biotech industry is regulated by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the Department of Agriculture

As of Dec. 31, 2005, there were 1,415 biotechnology
companies in the United States, of which 329 were
publicly held.

Market capitalization, the total value of publicly traded
biotech companies (U.S.) at market prices, was $410
billion as of Dec. 31, 2005.

The biotechnology industry has mushroomed since
1992, with U.S. health-care biotech revenues increasing
from $8 billion in 1992 to $50.7 billion in 2005.

Biotechnology is one of the most research-intensive
industries in the world. The U.S. biotech industry
spent $19.8 billion on research and development in
n The top five biotech companies invested an average of
$130,000 per employee in R&D in 2005.
n In 1982, recombinant human insulin became the first
biotech therapy to earn FDA approval. The product
was developed by Genentech and Eli Lilly and Co.

Corporate partnering has been critical to biotech
success. In 2005, biotech companies signed 564 new
agreements with pharmaceutical firms and 354 with
fellow biotechs, according to BioWorld.

Most biotechnology companies are young companies
developing their first products and depend on investor
capital for survival. Biotechnology attracted more than
$20 billion in financing in 2005 and has raised more
than $100 billion since 2000.

The biosciences—including not just biotechnology
but all life sciences activities—employed 1.2 million
people in the United States in 2004 and generated an
additional 5.8 million related jobs.

The average annual wage of U.S. bioscience workers
was $65,775 in 2004, more than $26,000 greater than
the average private sector annual wage.
Bioethanol—made from crop wastes using biotech
enzymes—could meet a quarter of U.S. energy needs
by 2025.

The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) was
founded in 1993 to represent biotechnology companies
at the local, state, federal and international
levels. As of December 2006, BIO’s membership consisted
of more than 1,100 biotechnology companies,
academic centers, state and local associations and
related enterprises.

Research Applications Of Biotechnology

{ Posted on 11:46 AM by rain }
Research Applications Of Biotechnology

Researchers use biotechnology to gain insight into the precise details of cell processes: the specific tasks
assigned to various cell types; the mechanics of cell division; the flow of materials in and out of cells; the path by which an undifferentiated cell becomes specialized; and the methods cells use to communicate with each other, coordinate their activities and respond to environmental changes.

Researchers dissect these processes into the smallest possible bits of useful information. This requires identifying the molecular players involved in each facet of the process, elucidating the nature of their interactions and discovering the molecular control mechanisms that govern these interactions. Once they have teased apart details of the process, they must then reassemble the pieces in a way that provides insight into the inner workings of cells and, ultimately, of whole organisms.

Interestingly, the tools of biotechnology have also become important research tools in many branches of science other than cell and molecular biology, such as chemistry, engineering, materials science, ecology, evolution and computer science. The biotech-driven discoveries in these fields help the biotech industry and others discover and develop products, as well as help industries improve their performance in areas such as environmental stewardship
and workplace safety.

Mesothelioma Lawyers

{ Posted on 8:30 AM by rain }
Mesothelioma Lawyers - Important Information for Patients

Deciding to pursue legal recourse and selecting an attorney to represent you in a mesothelioma or asbestos lawsuit are important decisions that should be made carefully. I have seen some families receive $500,000 and others be awarded nearly $30 million. I have seen some lawyers reject a case only to have another firm accept it and make a big success of it. And I have seen some families wait nearly three years to receive their first check while others received large checks within three months of filing a claim. The main reasons for these differences are the facts of the patient's situation and the law firm chosen.

Medifast weight loss

{ Posted on 7:23 PM by rain }
Medifast weight loss

helps you lose weight quickly and easily. You can have a weight loss of up to 20 lbs. in 30 days using low calorie great tasting Medifast food.

Herbal Skin Care Tips

{ Posted on 7:06 PM by rain }
Herbal Skin Care Tips

Here are 22 practical Herbal Tips for Skin Care from the experts! Very easy to use and effective.

1) Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

2) Cut some beet root into small pieces and grind them. Squeeze juice from beet root and massage to your face for 5 minutes.

Shower after 10 minutes with mild soap or gram flour.

3) Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and add 4 to 5 drops of milk in it and apply on to your face and body. Shower after

15 minutes with warm water.

4) Mix honey in water and drink daily in the morning to keep your skin shiny and smooth.

5) Warm honey and mix with lemon juice and apply on to face. Wash after it dry.

6) Mix Turmeric, sandal powder and olive oil and apply to body. Shower after 10 minutes.

7) Massage your skin with milk. Milk has moisturizer, it will keep your skin smooth.

8) Use humidifiers and keep room temperature moderate to keep your skin away from dryness.

9) Hot water blushes your skin and you don't feel fresh unless you have bath with little cold water. If you have shower for a

longtime, dead skin will be automatically be removed. Do not rub with towel, be gentle on your skin.

10) Take food which contains more A and C vitamin.

11) Grate carrot and boil. Massage that mixture to body to get fair and smooth skin.

12) For natural bleaching: - mix milk and lemon juice. The
milk will break as soon as you mix the lemon juice in it. Use that mixture to massage on your body. It works as natural


13) Mix turmeric and cream on the top of milk, massage that mixture to body.

14) If you go into sun your skin will lost the fair ness. To get your skin color to normal take equal quantities of cucumber

juice and tomato juice and apply on to skin. Shower after 10 minutes.

15) Massage mustard oil to your skin for 5 minutes and have shower with gram flour or mild soap.

16) Mix cream on the top of milk and all-purpose flour and apply that paste on to your skin avoid eyes, eyebrows and lips.

Shower after 5 minutes. This will make skin smooth.

17) Mix curds (yogurt) with wheat flour and apply to your skin and take shower after 5 minutes.

18) Grind rose petals and mix with cream on the top of milk and apply to your body. Shower after 10 minutes.

19) Scaly skin is a result of fluorine deficiency. Fluorine is the anti-resistant element of the human body, the absence of

which creates problems in the blood and spleen. Since cooking and heating foods destroys fluorine, it is better to eat

uncooked raw fruits and vegetables. Other foods rich in fluorine are goat milk and cheese, rye flour, avocados, sea plants

and cabbage, cream whey and cottage cheese.

20) Wrinkle skin is a result of Sodium deficiency and makes skin sticky. Cucumbers are ideal for combating and preventing

sodium deficiency because they are not only high in sodium, but also help in keeping the body cool, a great summer's treat.

21) Skin rashes are the result of silicon deficiency. To avoid pus and rashes, eat plenty of sprouts, alfalfa, barley,

tomatoes, spinach, strawberries and figs.

22) Skin eruptions are the result of Chlorophyll. And are found in wheat grass and other green leafy vegetables


{ Posted on 8:12 AM by rain }


To the asbestos. mesotheliooma is not ant contagious and cancer and cannot also be passed from to one person or to another . Mesothelioma is diagnosed by the pathological examination from biopsy.

this diseases is basic also a malignant cancer and also more common .
Mesothelioma is also a form type of a cancer that is also almost always and baric also caused by the previous exposure.

Than what is it cancer all about?
Mesothelioma cancer is a tyoe of cancer like no other ones. Mewsothelioma is also nothing but also a cancer of all the mesothelium.
Mesothelkioma is also basic a type of a cancer that also attacks many mesothelial all the cells of the boby .

Mesothelioma is more and
Common in the men than in women . this diseas is also very similar to also other cancers in the respect to the treatments .

this diseases usually also develops in only one lung this disease normally also begins in the lungs and also spread to abdominal lining , which also worsens condition . Mesothelioma is basic also a rare of cancer. Cases of the diseases have been also found in the people whose only
Exposure breathing in the air through the ventilation systems .

how long does it takes after exposure for a mesothelioma cancer to show up? .
Is thete also any promising research on this?or are thre any promising drugs for mesothelioma ?.

This diseases is also cased by the breathing in the asbestos dust. this diseases is also basic divided into the three main types .
Once this diseases is suspected through the imaging tests , it is also confirmed by the pathological examinatioon . the most common type of the disease is basic the type pleural Mesothelioma . Diagnosis diagnosing this disease is also often basic very dificul, because the symptoms are basicalso very similar to those o a any number of other coundisions .
The medical and the informartion are also contained and was compiled as a importnant service to all the pationts whit this kind of the disease and also their families and has also never not been endored by the physicians or any licensed medical professionals out there .
Stages of the disease. Once the diseases basic is found , more and more tests will also be done to find out if the cance cells have been spread to any other parts of the body . The histologic and the variants of the malignant,.
this disease are also basic epithelial and also ibrous sarcomatous. six to also 80% of all the patients with the malignant whit this type disease report also a hi soy very time of the asbestos exposure.

The scholarly Information. Mesotheliomas are also primary tumors arising from also the surface lining of pleura 80% of all the case or peritoneum 20% of all these case. Experts opinion are also varies from times to time just how much the actual exposure is and nesessary to the develop of the type Malign at Mesothelioma Cancer.

The primary are a vary risk factors for the diseases and its asbestos exposure . Swallowed asbestos fires can also move fast through the stomach and wall and also case mesothelioma to also develop in peritoneum this cancer disease may also present itself also in many froms . This is also because there is also basic a vary long time gap between that exposure and also the onset of this type kind of disease.
